Saturday, July 20, 2013

Quite the Week

First of all, I forgot when I wrote this post that I had pictures from my camera & not just my phone.  Here's one of my mom & I with the Robinette girls from that weekend.

Now, on to this week.  It's been my first week without a job, but I feel like I've still had a job most of those days.  Planning a cross-country move has become a full-time job, & I think it will continue to be that way until we actually get there.

Monday: My first day off, I got some stuff done around our apartment, & actually got to read some, which was nice.  The rest of the day was spent calling moving companies.

I just finished reading Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.  It's an allegory, so it's different that most books I've read but it was really good.  I loved this line quoted from Canticles 8:6 - Thou jealous love, Thou burning flame, oh, burn out all unlike Thy Name.

I'm kind of on a reading kick lately.  I just got a kindle about a month ago & I love it & think I actually read faster (unlike me) with it.  Right now I'm reading Divergent by Veronica Roth & can't put it down.

Tuesday: Grayson's 27th birthday!  You'd think I'd have a picture, but sadly, I don't.  He opened a few presents that morning but he's been so busy at work & I've been busy trying to get our move worked out that we didn't really even do anything that night.  I cooked what he requested for dinner & we hung out at home.

Wednesday: Spend the morning with Cait at a favorite coffee place!

Thursday: My mom came up for the day & we did some crafting!

Friday: Meeting with moving companies & talking to them on the phone  At least I think Seeley has enjoyed having me home all day...but maybe not at this particular moment!

Saturday: Went to the Swan House with my mother-in-law.  I read The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser recently & loved it & have been wanting to see the house ever since!

Hopefully this week we'll finally resolve some things with the move & can enjoy our last week here...will be full of bittersweets.

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