Monday, June 30, 2014

One Month Shop Birthday!

We've had our little shop for one month tomorrow!  We've loved this first month & can't wait for many more!

To celebrate, we're hosting a giveaway & offering a coupon code!  The winner of the giveaway will win...

one 8x10 print
one set of cards

There are three ways to enter the giveaway (your name will be put into a drawing one time for each of the following):

ONE.  Mention our shop (include the link) in a blog post & comment here with the link to that post & your e-mail address. (Feel free to include the image below!)

TWO.  Instagram the image included below & tag @eastwestdesignco in your post.

THREE.  Post the shop link on Facebook & comment here with your name & e-mail.

Coupon code is valid today - July 4 & will give you 20% off your entire purchase (custom orders excluded).  The giveaway winner will be announced on Monday, July 7.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Recent Favorites

1. Neon Steeple.  This wasn't an album I really got excited about because I wasn't expecting to like it.  So I hadn't even listened to it until a few days ago & now that's just about all I've listened to since.

2. Product photography.  It turns out this is one of my favorite parts of running a shop.  It's just fun to style things how you like & attempt to take pictures that help others envision where they would put a print in their home, or what colors it would look good with, etc.

3. I've had my eye on a Rifle Paper Co. phone case for months, & I finally broke down & got one.  I'm picky about phone cases, & Grayson is even more so.  So one that fits his demands of phone safety & no scratching, & my demands for beauty...that's a pretty tall order to meet, & it does so beautifully.  And the one I got is now on sale.

4. Gifting a kindle book.  On opening day of our shop, Rachel sent me a kindle book as a "happy first day" prize.  I'd never thought of doing that, but it was such a sweet gift & a great, easy way of giving one!  I'll have to keep this in mind.  And I can't wait to start reading what she sent me!

5. I'm developing quite the Etsy wish list lately.  This has been #1 on my list for several weeks, followed closely by this, this, & this.

6. The countdown is on.  My parents arrive in 9 days & are staying much longer than they got to last fall!  And we're going back to Yosemite & taking them!  So excited!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 1

I can't believe that this day we've dreamed of & planned for has finally come & gone.  This little shop just started out as a dream - a dream that gets bigger by the day.

I would've probably been happy with one sale today.  Even the seven things we sold are nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it feels big right now.

Now I'm writing thank you notes & packaging orders & I'm totally overwhelmed by so many things.  I want to remember every bit so on the days when I can't get my printer settings right or can't find the right shipping materials that I want to order, or days when I feel like we haven't sold enough...I want to remember this feeling of gratitude.

First off, I feel like this desire to create is something God created in me, & oftentimes I struggle with how to use it.  My mom teases that when I was a kid (& maybe just a few years ago too...), I would get on one thing & make a million of them.  I'd like to say you could still find a lot of tissue-paper-covered bottles & vases at my parents' house, but I'm sure they made their way to the dump long ago. So finding a use for this need to create is kind of a big deal.

There are days when being married to a nerd isn't easy.  I've spent many hours huddled with my kindle in the corner of a boring technology store while Grayson checked out the latest & greatest.  [Speaking of which, have you noticed how stores women shop at provide a place for the men to sit & wait?  Man stores don't have that.]  But these days, I've been ever-so-thankful for my nerd.  I would've given up long ago if it weren't for him.  He has been so patient & has spent so much time adjusting printer settings, comparing colors, pricing packaging material, & researching the best way to do things.  He has supported this dream & believed in it & in me far more than I have.  He has spent money that we hadn't planned on spending.  And he's celebrated the little victories right by my side.  I feel like I've seen an even deeper level of selflessness & sacrifice over the last month & it makes me love him all the more.

And of course, my fellow dreamer in all of this.  When I met Rachel last January, I knew from the start that we would be friends.  [And I secretly thought about how much my brother must love me to choose a girlfriend who is so similar to me that I immediately wanted to be her BFF.]  But these days of planning, & venting, & frustrations...they're worth it just to get to share this day of giddy excitement with her.

I can't wait to see what's in store.  We want everything we do to be God-honoring.  We want our business to be one of integrity.  We want to create things that just might give someone a glimpse of Jesus.  And we don't really know what that means from here, but we're ready.

Shop Opening!

East West Design Co is officially open!

Read more about our story here,  & click over to the shop & let us know what you think!  Follow @eastwestdesignco on Instagram for sneak peeks on new products & special offers.