Linking up with lowercase letters today for Miscellany Monday.
one | I LOVE this quote that Carissa shared today. I need this on my wall with some of our beach & lighthouse pictures.
two | Grayson's parents got to spend the last 12 days with us. More pictures from their visit coming later.
three | I've been knitting again. I was afraid moving to California would mean I wouldn't get to wear winter scarves, but I'm pretty sure I still now I'm busy making some new ones!
four | I think I made my best pumpkin cheesecake ever last weekend (& I'm making it again this weekend). Recipe here (except I used pumpkin pie spice instead of mace & left out the lemon extract).
five | Five. The number of loads of laundry I am trying to get done right now! I've fallen down on the job with company here, so today has been a day of much laundry & grocery shopping.
six | My parents fly in on Friday! So excited to see them & take them to our favorite places...& it's their first time to California!
Off to fold the tons of laundry & maybe try to squeeze in some time to bake...I've been wanting to try these!