I love the verses for this week's She Shares Truth. We don't have to be eloquent speakers, because God is. We don't have to know all the answers, because God does. At church, we're always talking about "the genius of Jesus." God's plan of our redemption is genius because it's so powerful, yet so simple. It is so deep, yet still made for even children to understand.
One time when my cousin Ada Klair was little, she'd gotten in trouble & was in time out. The whole time she was there, she kept pouting, saying "somebody better say they're sorry!" She understood that something bad had been done, & someone had to pay. Much to her dismay, she was the one who had been bad & she was the one who had to pay.
We're human. We sin. Someone has to pay. But in our case, Jesus stepped in. The punishment that we deserved, He took. He did much more than sit in time out for us. He took the punishment for every sin that every one of His children had committed & would ever commit.
Paul reminds the Corinthian church of this. We don't have to be skilled orators to present the Gospel to others. We have to just show them Jesus.
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