Monday, February 24, 2014


Our culture today encourages busyness.  Going from one activity to the next, & priding yourself on how many things you can be involved in.  A life like this will eventually reach a breaking point.  I think we've forgotten what it's like to rest & be still.  We forget that God rested.

Even right now, in a not-so-busy phase of my life, I find that it's easy to try to fill my time just for the sake of always doing something.  But there's nothing wrong with sitting & reading a book, or painting, or taking a nap.  God created in us a need to be still.  And being still & resting is not the same as being lazy.

As soon as I saw the forecast for this past weekend, I asked Grayson if we could go on a picnic when I got off work on Saturday.  I packed a blanket, kindle, & Bible, we picked up lunch, & found a park nearby.  It was so nice to eat & just rest in the sunshine & read.

[side note:  At the beginning of the year, I bought this Bible for us to read together.  I've never read one of the One Year bibles but I really like how it's set up & tells you what to read each day.  We have the chronological version in NLT, but there are so many different ones.  We get behind & have to read a couple at a time some days, but I love being able to see how much we've read already just in these first 2 months of the year, & I love that by the end of the year we will have read the whole Bible out loud together.]

After that we went on a short hike walk (Grayson always thinks I'll be more willing to do what he wants to do if he doesn't call it a hike.  He's right...) on the trails at the park.

Living in California, there's not much of a winter & some days I missed that, but I really can't complain about days like this.

Go listen to this song & take a moment to rest & be thankful that God created that need in us.

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